How to determine if your pet has allergies?

Watch their behavior and symptoms  – the most common behavior and symptoms of allergies include itchy feet and ears, inflammation of the skin, persistent scratching, chewing of their paws and face rubbing. Some pets lose their hair and may experience rashes and skin infections.

Do a blood serum test  – ask your veterinarian to do a blood serum test and send it out to be tested for a variety of allergens like trees, grasses and weed pollens, fungus (molds) and house dust mites that are specific to the region in which you live. This test can also determine if your pet is allergic to any foods such as beef, chicken, milk, soya, etc.

Questions about oral allergy treatment

What is oral allergy treatment?
What are the advantages of an oral allergy treatment?
What are the possible side effects to treatment?
  • Allergy?

    If you think your pet has an allergy, it is important to visit your veterinarian.

  • Test + Confirm

    Your vet­eri­nar­ian will take blood serum and send it to us for analysis.

  • Treatment

    Based on the results, we create a custom allergen prescription for your pet.

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AllerPaws is available through veterinarians across Canada.

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